The people of Karakalpakstan approve the ideas of the party
Activists of the Republic of Karakalpakstan of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, primary party organizations, volunteer groups are also conducting active propaganda activities. At the dialogue held at Karakalpak State University named after Berdak in Nukus, the party's new election program and candidates were introduced to the voters...
Candidates face voters in Tashkent region
Activists of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in the Tashkent region, primary party organizations, volunteer groups are also conducting active propaganda activities...
Obeisance to the teachers
The Central Council of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan held a literary and artistic holiday event at the Muqimi State Musical Theater of Uzbekistan on the occasion of October 1 - Teacher and Coach Day...
Party representatives met with pedagogues
Leaders and activists of the Central Council of the People's Democratic Party met with teachers, educators and trainers working in pre-school and general education institutions in our capital at this event, which was organized with a completely new approach and broad scope. 150 industry representatives gathered in one round...
Political parties have signed ethical rules for election campaigning
On September 21, 2024, the leaders of the political parties signed the ethical rules for election campaigning drawn up jointly with the Central Election Commission in a solemn ceremony...
In the way of social equality and solidarity
The principle of establishing a social democratic state, which is the party's social ideal, was sealed in the Constitution. As you know, we are providing information about the practical work within the framework of the program in every issue of our newspaper. This time we will continue the same tradition...
The People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan is promoting the idea of developing a Social Code in the country
The initiative to develop the Social Code, promoted by the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, and define in it the categories of citizens in complex social situations and the types of assistance provided to them, in addition to the citizens with privileges, will prevent many problems. We believe that it will be a suitable solution to the current issues...
Exemption from payment of state duty is envisaged in insurance contracts
A meeting of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis was held...
It’s time to adopt a law on communal services and their tariffs
The People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan believes that the Law “On Regulation of Communal Services and Tariffs”, which provides for the legal regulation of activities in this direction, must be adopted...
The People’s Democratic Party is promoting an initiative of vital importance
A person’s shelter and home are essential to his peace and tranquility. Due to large-scale residential construction, which has accelerated in recent years in Uzbekistan, hundreds of thousands of families have been provided housing...
The in-depth teaching of information technologies in the education system is a guarantee of modern development
Our party’s proposal to dramatically increase the study hours in IT in schools is essential. It provides the following options...
The 14th Congress of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan takes place
Delegates elected by party members from the regions, members of the party’s Central Council, deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, party activists, experts, and media representatives participated in the congress, where important issues about the People’s Democratic Party’s participation in the election and the new election program were discussed...
The one who spares grain gets grain
Unfortunately, situations like when a state organization financed from the budget spent several hundred million UZS on a single lunch for the participants of an international event cannot be counted...
It is necessary every day, everyone needs it...
In the 2019 election program of the UzPDP, there were new and decisive initiatives to solve many pressing issues of our people. For example, specific tasks were defined to improve the living standards of low-income sections of the population, pensioners, and disabled persons, to ensure social acceptability of the prices of daily consumer goods and services, and to improve the living conditions of rural people...
We are not bad taxpayers!
These days, the allegations that the Uzbekistan people are bad taxpayers and try to avoid paying taxes as much as possible are being discussed, and legitimate objections are being raised...
The state of preparation for the new academic year was studied
People’s deputies of Mirzo Ulugbek District Council and the senator of the Oliy Majlis studied the preparation of secondary schools in the district for the new academic year, as well as the work carried out in pre-school education organizations...
Important proposals were received from Namangan, the city of flowers
In the Namangan region, events dedicated to the discussion of the election program of the People's Democratic Party are also taking place in a positive mood...
Proposals for the election program received from Kashkadarya residents
Discussions on the election program of the People’s Democratic Party are also held in high spirits in Kashkadarya region...
The draft election program was discussed with residents of Bukhara
These days, public discussions are taking place in the regions to finalize the draft of the new election program of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan. The dialogue, which took place in the hall of the Trade Union of the Bukhara region, was attended by party members, regional activists, leaders of primary party organizations, and specialists in various fields...
Proposals for social support of the population have been developed
In cooperation with the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and the Labor and Social Affairs Committee, a roundtable discussion was organized on “New mechanisms for ensuring employment of the population in the mahalla”...