Presidential candidate meets with voters from Bukhara region
Presidential candidate meets with voters from Bukhara region


The next meeting of the candidate from the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Ulugbek Inoyatov with voters took place in Alat district of Bukhara region.

The event was attended by youth of the region, members of public organizations, representatives of civil society institutions, deputies of local Councils, party activists, and media representatives.

The meeting was chaired by the Chairman of Bukhara Regional Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Zulfiya Tuyeva. After the authorized person acquainted the voters with the biography of the candidate, Ulugbek Inoyatov delivered a speech and explained to the voters the essence and significance of the proposals and initiatives defined in the program.

In particular, the candidate focused on initiatives to develop agriculture and provide the population with safe food.

It is known that filling the domestic market with domestically produced goods with high-added value is one of the main factors of sustainable economic development.

To this end, the election program provides for the formation and approval of medium-term territorial programs for the production of vital and safe food and essential goods at the level of local authorities, as well as to bring these programs in line with state orders for the creation of jobs in the regions and training programs for specialists with secondary special and higher education.

In addition, the candidate noted the need for legislative consolidation of state regulation measures in producing food and other consumer goods and, simultaneously, providing soft loans to implement good business projects to produce import-substituting socially significant goods and services.

In the candidate’s election program, in addition to ensuring the growth of the local industry in regional development programs, special attention is paid to improving the efficiency of growing agricultural products and the efficient use of land and water resources.

In particular, proposals were put forward to create sustainable and efficient food production systems based on the introduction of agricultural methods that can increase the productivity of agricultural production, increase investment in the development of rural infrastructure, agricultural research, and technology, and develop cooperation between agricultural producers and processing enterprises.

These proposals aim to improve agriculture’s efficiency through modern equipment and technologies, scientifically based, well-thought-out approaches, the development of local production in agriculture, increased competition in agriculture, and lower prices for agricultural products.

At the meeting, it was emphasized that these initiatives are aimed at saturating the domestic market with affordable food and socially significant goods, preventing a sharp rise in prices for these goods and services, creating stable and well-paid new jobs in enterprises for the production and processing of agricultural products, which will serve to improve welfare population.

The program of the Presidential candidate from the People’s Democratic Party includes several proposals for economic development. In particular, it is envisaged to further increase the transparency of the activities of large industrial enterprises with a state share by including members of the public in their supervisory boards.

The program proposes to increase the social activity of civil society institutions through the gradual transfer of state functions to them, including the transition to the provision of social services to persons with disabilities based on social partnership.

The meeting was held in a friendly and cheerful atmosphere. The voters asked the Presidential candidate their questions and expressed their opinion.

The activists who spoke at the meeting called for supporting the program of the candidate for President of Uzbekistan from the People’s Democratic Party, showing an active civil position to participate in the elections.


Information Service of the

Peoples Democratic Party of Uzbekistan





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