Obeisance to the teachers


There are professionals in the world without whom it is difficult to imagine our life. Teachers are the lights of our lives. No matter who we are, no matter what field we work in, teachers have given us education and training. A teacher is a gracious person who brings goodness, goodness, and perfection to hearts. Our teachers guide young people to perfection along with knowledge.

The Central Council of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan held a literary and artistic holiday event at the Muqimi State Musical Theater of Uzbekistan on the occasion of October 1 - Teacher and Coach Day. It was attended by the party faction in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and members of the party groups in the Tashkent City Council of People's Deputies, officials of the Ministry of Public Education, effective teachers and pedagogues from the city and region of Tashkent.

At the beginning of the event, there was talk about the large-scale reforms of the education system of our country in the following years.

It was also noted that specific goals for the development of the system have been set, and great attention is paid to increasing the influence of pedagogues in society.

U. Inoyatov, the chairman of the Central Council of the PDP of Uzbekistan, the leader of the faction in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, recognized the selfless work of hard-working and honorable professionals in raising an educated, mature generation in all respects, and sincerely congratulated teachers and coaches on their professional holiday.

The concert program presented from the repertoire of the creative team of the National Theater gave the audience an upbeat mood.


Information service of the PDP of Uzbekistan







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