Party representatives met with pedagogues


The campaign for the elections of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and local councils is entering an increasingly decisive stage. These days, political parties, which are the main participants of this important political event, are actively conducting election campaigns throughout our country.

"For the welfare state!" Face-to-face meetings with representatives of the main electorate are also being held by the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, which is actively campaigning under the slogan. One such meeting was held at the State Pedagogical University named after Nizami.

Leaders and activists of the Central Council of the People's Democratic Party met with teachers, educators and trainers working in pre-school and general education institutions in our capital at this event, which was organized with a completely new approach and broad scope. 150 industry representatives gathered in one round.

As noted, education is the main basis of the development of the state and society. In order to ensure the benefit of the young generation, which is considered the most valuable strategic resource, priority attention should be paid to this area. After all, the most promising investment is an investment focused on education.

However, it is not a secret that there are many tasks to be done in order to raise the educational system of our country to the level of quality step by step. At the meeting with the representatives of the main electorate of the People's Democratic Party, these issues were emphasized. In the election program of the Party, detailed information was provided about the proposals and ideas for the development of the education system, solutions to existing problems in the field.

It was noted that the People's Democratic Party is a supporter of quality education for young people. It was said that in order for every child in our country to be formed as a person who will find a place in life and society in the future, equal opportunities should be created for all layers of the population at all stages of education.

At the event, significant results achieved in the last five years as part of the party's initiatives for the development of the education sector in the 2019 Election Program were listed.

In turn, they talked about the role and importance of new and technological elections, which are expected to be held on October 27, in the life of each of our compatriots. It was reminded that it is the duty and responsibility of the voters to elect candidates for deputy whose program is politically alert, proactive, and relevant.

During the meeting, the employees of the education sector received answers to the questions they were interested in about the party's activities, programmatic goals and current tasks.







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