PDPUz Leader: It is necessary to strengthen the effectiveness of pre-election campaign
PDPUz Leader: It is necessary to strengthen the effectiveness of pre-election campaign

Chairman of the Central Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Ulugbek Inoyatov in Yangikurgan district met with voters, as well as candidates nominated from the party to the district council of people’s deputies.

At the meeting, the role and significance of tasks outlined in the party’s Pre-Election Program were discussed. Current issues, such as further strengthening the campaign activities, ensuring the meaningful organization of election meetings, were discussed.

It was noted that campaign and clarification of the goals and objectives forwarded by the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan with the help of concrete and life examples is important. It is necessary to conduct regular meetings and dialogues with the population to strengthen the effectiveness of campaign activities, which contribute to formation of a positive attitude and increase people’s confidence in candidates nominated by the party.

The meeting, held in the form of questions/answers, was interesting and informative.


Information Service of the Central Council of the

People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan

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