Presidential candidate meets with voters from Khorezm region
Presidential candidate meets with voters from Khorezm region


The candidate from the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Ulugbek Inoyatov held a regular meeting with voters in Khorezm region.

It was attended by members of public organizations, deputies of local Councils, party activists, youth, civil society institutions, and media representatives.

Chairman of Khorezm Regional Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Rakhimbergan Yusupov chaired the meeting. After the authorized person acquainted the voters with the candidate’s biography, U. Inoyatov delivered a speech. He explained to the voters the essence and significance of the proposals and initiatives included in the program.

In particular, in the Candidate’s Election Program, emphasis is placed on determining the mechanisms for the effective implementation of the social obligations of the state and the ideas of building a democratic social state.

The creation of a social state serves to improve the quality of life of socially needy segments of the population, ensure the full participation of persons with disabilities in the life of society and the state, and, in general, protect rights related to human interests based on the principles of justice and democracy. For this reason, this issue was included in the candidate’s program.

The program for forming a democratic state and public regulation and control over economic development proposes introducing mechanisms of social dialogue and public authority on implementing structural reforms in the economy and the introduction of new technologies.

It is also planned to achieve the social development goals of society by carrying out these processes in accordance with an increase in the level of employment in stable, highly paid jobs, labor protection, and ensuring environmental cleanliness of production.

The participants of the meeting were also interested in the ideas put forward in the candidate’s program on the development of the mahalla system as the most effective and fair form of solving the problems of the population, ensuring its full participation in solving administrative, social, environmental, cultural and other issues.

After all, in a democratic state, mahalla is of great importance as an important element of civil society that protects human rights through methods of influence.

It was noted that a special emphasis in the program is placed on improving the legislative framework to provide sustainable jobs, stimulating personal initiative, and the entrepreneurial spirit of the able-bodied population.

Proposals related to the organization and promotion of vocational training, retraining of citizens, expansion of areas of activity that individual entrepreneurs and legal entities can engage in, as well as a list of activities carried out in self-employment, guarantee the sustainable development of a socially oriented economy as a result of solving such problems as unemployment and social inequality.

The meeting was held in a sincere form and in high spirits. Voters turned to the presidential candidate with questions of interest to them. The candidate gave detailed answers to voters’ questions and listened to their opinions.

The activists who spoke at the meeting urged to support the candidate’s program for the President of Uzbekistan from the People’s Democratic Party to participate in the elections, showing an active civil position.


Information Service of the

People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan.




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