In the way of social equality and solidarity
In the way of social equality and solidarity


In 2019, the People's Democratic Party adopted the Election Program, which includes 12 steps and 82 political and social goals, before the elections of the Legislative Chamber and local councils. Studies show that more than 70 of them have been implemented so far. Most importantly, the principle of establishing a social democratic state, which is the party's social ideal, was sealed in the Constitution. As you know, we are providing information about the practical work within the framework of the program in every issue of our newspaper. This time we will continue the same tradition.


Every member of society has equal rights!

Achieving equality of rights and opportunities is a key criterion for a humane society. The country, which has become the highest goal of this criterion, has developed steadily in all periods.Equality of rights and opportunities can also be clearly seen in the protection of the interests of people with disabilities. After all, it is important that every person has equal opportunities in society, regardless of their physical, socio-economic status. This is one of the positions put forward by the People's Democratic Party.It's no secret that until recently, we used to face the wrong attitude towards persons with disabilities as a "problem" and "unfit for work". Strictly protecting the interests of such people has become a priority in the activities of deputies and activists of the People's Democratic Party. In addition, issues of ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, harmonization of national legislation with UN regulations on equal opportunities for persons with disabilities have also received attention.According to the World Health Organization, more than 1 billion people in the world have a disability. This means that approximately 15% of the world's population is disabled. In Uzbekistan, the number of people in this category is about 1 million.

It is known that every year in our country, a large amount of money is allocated from the state budget for social support of persons with disabilities. The goal is to create an opportunity for them to become an active part of society. In order to accelerate the integration of citizens with disabilities into society and increase their economic activity, it is more urgent than ever to establish a "barrier-free environment" in practice.

So, what about the work done in this regard and the actual results over the past five years? In 2020, the Law "On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" was adopted. With the law, special importance was attached to the issue of following the principle of social justice in Uzbekistan, creating conditions for people in need of help and support, primarily those with physical disabilities, to lead a full life.Article 6 of the law reflects the principle of non-discrimination based on the sign of disability. According to it, any isolation, exclusion, exclusion, restriction or preference against persons with disabilities, as well as refusal to create conditions for the use of facilities and services by persons with disabilities, are prohibited.As a logical continuation of this, in 2021, the law "On the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (New York, December 13, 2006)" was signed.Ratification of the Convention will serve to adapt the system of social protection of persons with disabilities to international norms and standards, to expand the possibility of attracting targeted resources of international organizations, and to further improve the international image of our country.On February 27, 2023, the Presidential Decree "On additional measures to improve the system of support for persons with disabilities" was signed.The purpose of the decision is to strengthen the guarantees of the rights of persons with disabilities, to introduce effective mechanisms for inclusive development, to ensure that all layers of the population have equal rights and opportunities, and to create the necessary conditions for the participation of persons with disabilities in all spheres of public life.


- strengthening the legal guarantees of persons with disabilities and improving the system of providing them with legal assistance,

- free provision of hip prostheses, lower leg prostheses and ankle braces to persons with group I disabilities who are included in the "Unified Register of Social Protection",

- Starting from September 1, 2023, providing disabled persons with prosthetic-orthopedic devices and technical means of rehabilitation, legal guarantees, such as the abolition of the requirement of a medical opinion from disabled persons, free social assistance and issues that free them from excessive hassle are provided for.


Privileges in the provision of prosthetic-orthopedic means

The election program of UzPDP defined the task of improving the system of preferential provision of medicines, prosthetics-orthopedics and other medical and social assistance allocated to certain categories of the population through the implementation of effective representation and public control in the relevant fields.

The member of the parliamentary faction of the party, Mavluda Hasanova, said the following about the performance of this task: - It should be noted that in our country both national and international bases of legislation are being created to protect and guarantee the rights of persons with disabilities and create equal opportunities for them. The ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities means that the state and society have taken on a great responsibility. At the same time, the adoption of the Convention, law and other regulatory documents does not mean that the situation will suddenly change radically. Strengthening the legal framework was an important first step.

On September 11, 2023, the decision of the head of our state "On measures to implement the strategy of Uzbekistan - 2030 in 2023 in a timely manner" was adopted. According to it, starting from January 1, 2024, provision of prosthetics and orthopedics, rehabilitation and medicines to persons with disabilities will be organized step by step on the basis of the "voucher" system. In this case, disabled persons will be given the opportunity to purchase goods and services from the supplier of their choice, and their costs will be covered from the State budget. Consequently, the strategy of "Uzbekistan - 2030" envisages the provision of high-quality and modern prosthetic-orthopedic products to 100% of needy persons with disabilities.

Let me touch on one more important aspect. Today, the scope of coverage of the elderly and persons with disabilities with free medical and social services has increased from 80,000 to 120,000. The number of persons receiving state support in "Sakhovat" and "Muruvat" boarding houses has increased by 14% and is 9,300 people. The provision of technical rehabilitation equipment and prosthetic-orthopedic goods has almost doubled. A system has been introduced to ensure that needy citizens receive these products from the manufacturer of their choice.


Any actions that interfere with education are prohibited

Inclusive education essentially means that children with disabilities also study in the same school, in the same class, with their healthy peers. That is, it is education for everyone. This covers pre-school, secondary and tertiary education. Inclusive education is based on the ideology that excludes any discrimination against boys and girls with disabilities, ensures equal treatment for all, and creates necessary conditions for children with special educational needs.

According to the analysis, more than 80% of children with disabilities under 16 years of age can easily go to school if conditions are created for inclusive education in schools. Then a child with a disability does not feel isolated from his peers, his confidence increases, and his aspirations increase.

Based on this, in the Saylovoldi program of our party, important tasks were defined for the further development of inclusive education and providing benefits to teachers working in this field. In particular, it was noted that special literature for children with disabilities, including the printing and purchase of books based on the Braille alphabet with audio, and the financing of the expenses for these purposes from the state budget were noted.

We turned to the activists of the People's Democratic Party for the performance of these tasks, which are directly related to the interests of our electorate."Equal opportunities are being created in educational institutions for quality education and professional development," says Bahadirkhan Kamolov, head of the branch of the Central Council of the party. - Inclusive education has been launched in the public education system. In our country, equal opportunities are being created for persons with disabilities to receive quality education at all levels.

In cooperation with faction members and party groups in the Councils of People's Deputies, the relevant norms of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" and the tasks defined in the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 13, 2020 "On measures to further improve the system of education for children with special educational needs" Systematic parliamentary and parliamentary control over its implementation was carried out. The concept of inclusive (harmonized) education was introduced for the first time in the new version of the Law "On Education" adopted on September 23, 2020.

A plan for the introduction of inclusive education in general education schools of Uzbekistan was determined. According to it, by 2025, 40 percent of children with special education needs will be enrolled in regular schools. Intensive practical efforts are being made for this. The UN Conventions on the Rights of the Child and the Rights of the Disabled help to harmonize international experience. It can be said that the proposal of the head of our state at the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council to establish a regional council on issues of full realization of the abilities of persons with disabilities is another great initiative aimed at the protection of people with disabilities.


It is necessary for life

It can be said that the approval and application of the list of free social services is one of the most important results achieved by the party. Value-added tax reimbursement was introduced for the expenses made by the population for necessary goods and services included in the "Unified Register of Social Protection". As a result, relief was created for more than 2 million families.

The goal was to guarantee the free use of essential social services for everyone at the legislative level and in real life. In particular, it is necessary to guarantee the rights of citizens to education, social protection, and the use of qualified legal services.

- Today, the field of social services is emerging as a unique institution of modern civil society. The issue of institutionalization of social services is also reflected in the concepts of socio-economic development of foreign countries, - says Abror Kurbanov, head of the department of the Central Council of the party. - Relations between the state and people later become professional social services. Social services are mainly services provided in the fields of health care, science, education, and culture. They rely on the principles of openness, transparency, transparency.

Creating the opportunity to use social services for free is completely far from the weak ideology that everything should be free. At this point, the main issue is related to the creation of conditions for citizens to exercise their constitutional rights, regardless of their social status, origin, and economic capabilities.

For example, no matter what kind of family a child is born into, he must receive primary and school education, which is guaranteed by the state. When a person is a patient and his life is in danger, it is important that the state guarantees measures to protect him through the health care system. When a person needs to protect his dignity and self-defense, his priority rights should be ensured regardless of his social and economic status.

In other words, social services guaranteed by the state are one of the important institutions that connect the state and society with mutual trust and responsibility. It is clear that the goal of the People's Democratic Party is based on the vital principle of equality of rights and opportunities, on the historical way of life of our people.

On August 4, 2020, the decision of the head of the state on social services "On additional measures to automate the procedures for providing public social services and assistance to the population" was adopted. According to it, a number of social services and assistance have been provided to families registered in the "Unified Register of Social Protection" free of charge or on preferential terms. In particular, exemption from parental fees in state pre-school educational institutions, payment of parents' fees in established amounts in pre-school educational institutions, exemption from textbook rental fees in general secondary schools, provision of winter clothing for students of general secondary schools were established. Provision of prosthetic-orthopedic devices to disabled members of low-income families was envisaged. Social services such as obtaining a referral (warrant) for free special (ambulatory or day) medical care in specialized medical institutions have been established.

The information system "Unified Register of Social Protection" is not only an opportunity to increase the addressability of social services and assistance, but it is also becoming a transparent and effective means of identifying the needy part of the population in a short period of time, and providing them with addressable support from the state.

In general, the improvement of the organizational and legal framework of the social services sector has been significantly revived in the next 4-5 years. The main thing is that now people in need have access to the necessary services when they need them. This means that not only the responsibility of the state, but also the economic power is increasing in accordance with the needs of our people.

Facts and evidence confirm that the goal of guaranteeing the free use of essential social services for everyone, as defined in the program of the People's Democratic Party, is being gradually achieved at the legislative level and in real life. This is a significant achievement of the entire country and our society.



Correspondent of "Voice of Uzbekistan".

"Voice of Uzbekistan", 18.09.2024, #37







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