The in-depth teaching of information technologies in the education system is a guarantee of modern development
The in-depth teaching of information technologies in the education system is a guarantee of modern development


Today, information technology (IT) has become an integral part of our society’s life. IT plays an important role not only in the production and service sectors but also in the education system. Therefore, paying serious attention to IT sciences in the educational process is one of the main conditions for meeting modern requirements.

The benefits of studying IT are:

First, in today’s digital economy, knowing areas such as programming, cyber security, and artificial intelligence is essential for success in any profession;

Second, IT sciences develop young people’s critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, which serve their comprehensive development and formation as mature specialists.

Therefore, our party’s proposal to dramatically increase the study hours in IT in schools is essential. It provides the following options:

Virtual labs allow students to work with devices and software that are not physically available. By modeling the learning process in real-time, virtual labs deepen students’ knowledge and imagination.

Through online platforms and e-learning, students can take classes from leading universities worldwide. This platform allows students to be independent and control the learning process.

Online IDEs (e.g., Replit, CodePen) allow students to write and run code on any device. This quickly engages students in coding, enabling them to test changes immediately.

Tools for cooperative learning and group work. Working in organized groups enhances students’ interaction and prepares them for teamwork. Online collaboration tools (Google Docs, GitHub) allow students to work collaboratively.

Chatbots and artificial intelligence assistants. Chatbots can answer students’ questions and direct them to learning materials. These tools increase interactivity and facilitate students’ access to information.

Social media and blogs. Social media platforms are used to engage students in discussions on information technology topics and deepen their knowledge.

There is no doubt that the outlook and potential of today’s new generation largely depend on how much attention is paid to IT subjects in education. Their broader and deeper introduction to the educational process will help create a basis for the future success of young people and the country’s innovative development.


Zulaykho AKROMOVA,

Deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis,

Member of the PDPU faction.








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